
Phone : 418 640-4459

Mathieu Ayotte


Professional career


As a litigation lawyer, Me Ayotte practices primarily in civil and commercial litigation, particularly in the areas of bankruptcy, insolvency, and restructuring, construction law, real estate law, professional liability, and civil liability.

He regularly represents the interests of all types of stakeholders in bankruptcy, insolvency, and restructuring cases, including secured creditors, debtor companies, trustees, controllers, receivers, and buyers.

He has been involved in several complex disputes and significant restructurings and liquidations in recent years.

His practice also involves handling various cases involving shareholder disputes, enforcement of movable and immovable securities, liability of manufacturers and distributors, as well as matters related to professional and public law.

Me Ayotte frequently intervenes in the presentation of extraordinary remedies, including injunctions, declaratory judgments, safeguard orders, and seizure orders.



In 2011, Me Ayotte was awarded the Tribute of the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec. This award is presented annually by the Quebec Bar to the student who has distinguished themselves the most through the excellence of their academic results, their resume, and their professional, social, and community involvement.

Me Ayotte has been recognized by the prestigious legal directory The Best Lawyers in Canada 2024 edition in the category of construction law.

Me Ayotte has also been recognized in the 2025 edition of the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as “Lawyers to Watch”, highlighting his excellence and expertise in Civil and Commercial Litigation, as one of Canada’s leading lawyers.


Chairman of the board of directors of Saint-François school (Quebec psycho-pedagogical center)

Member of the Comité de liaison de la Cour Supérieure du Barreau de Québec

Member of the Fondation du Barreau du Québec

Teacher at the Bar School for Priority and Mortgage law course.

Member of the Chambre de commerce de Québec.

Member of the Turnaround management association (TMA)



Commentaire sur la décision 9354-9186 Québec inc. (Bluberi Gaming Technologies Inc.) c. Callidus Capital Corp.– Analyse du pouvoir discrétionnaire d’un juge surveillant d’empêcher un créancier de voter relativement à un plan d’arrangement déposé en vertu de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies – Éditions Yvon Blais (2020).

Commentaire sur la décision Compagnie de recyclage de papiers MD inc. c. MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges – Analyse du droit des villes et des municipalités de conclure des ententes de gré à gré comportant une dépense égale ou supérieure au seuil minimal décrété par le ministre – Éditions Yvon Blais (2020).

Commentaire sur la décision Arrangement relatif à 9354-9186 Québec inc. (Bluberi Gaming Technologies Inc.) – Analyse de l’étendue du droit de vote conféré aux créanciers en vertu de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies – Éditions Yvon Blais (2019).

Commentaire sur la décision Hypothèques CIBC inc. c. Fiducie Résidence Malo – L’effet de la déchéance du terme sur le calcul du délai de prescription d’une obligation à terme suspensif – Éditions Yvon Blais (2019).

 Chronique – Le retour en appel d’offres – Utilisation de la clause de réserve en matière d’appel d’offres : les options offertes aux soumissionnaires – Éditions Yvon Blais (2018).

18 February 2025

Customs tariffs and uncertainties: How to prepare your business?

18 February 2025

Tarifs douaniers et incertitudes : comment préparer son entreprise?

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